Please click on the links below to view the curriculum for our key stages
Foundation – Nursery and Reception
Pupil & Family Support Workers
We have one member of staff in school who works collaboratively with school staff and outside support agencies to improve the attendance, behaviour and well – being of our children. You may contact Christine Pratt if you have any issues you want to discuss.
Attendance Officer
Our Attendance Officer is Craig McCorrisken. His role is to act as a link between home and school, assisting parents and pupils to gain the maximum benefit from the education service. His duties include checking on school attendance, child employment and many other aspects of the educational process including statementing for SEN. Craig is willing to visit any parent in the home to discuss problems related to attendance. He can be contacted through school or by telephone on 526163.
Transfer to Secondary Education
Information concerning arrangements for transfer from a Primary School to a Comprehensive School is contained in an information pack, which will be published by the Local Authority each year. This is sent to parents during the child’s final year in primary education (Y6), as a system of parental preference, operates in the borough.