Page 3 - Tilery Primary School - Prospectus 2017/18
P. 3

Welcome Letter

              Dear Parents and Pupils,

              Welcome to Tilery Primary School.

              I hope you will enjoy reading about our school.

              Tilery Primary School is a happy and caring school, with a team of highly skilled and dedicated
              staff, who enjoy being with, and working with children.  Our aim is to provide the best possible
              education for every pupil, in a caring and secure environment.

              For any school to be successful in helping children to achieve their potential, it is necessary for
              home and school, parents and  teachers, to work together.   We look forward to working in
              partnership with you to achieve our aims, and hope that you will become fully involved in the life
              of the school.

              This prospectus will give you an insight into what life is like at our school, as well as providing you
              with practical information.  If there is anything you wish to discuss, please contact us.

              With best wishes for a brilliant school year.

              Yours sincerely,

              J P. Repton
              Head Teacher

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              H:\Website and Extranet Stuff\Tilery\To Do\Full School Prospectus 2017-18.doc
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