Page 8 - Tilery Primary School - Prospectus 2017/18
P. 8

The Governing Body of Tilery Primary School

              Mr J P Repton

              Local Education Authority Representatives
              Mrs Elizabeth Miller         23/06/14                     22/06/18

              Staff Governors
              Mrs Gill Mellor              27/04/16                     26/04/18
              Mrs Christine Pratt          08/09/15                     07/09/19

              Parent Governors
              Mr Paul O’Connor             30/09/16                     29/09/18
              Mr Lamin Fatty               30/09/16                     29/09/18

              Community Governors
              Mrs Jill Fidan               08/08/15                     07/08/19
              Mrs Kath Knox         08/09/15                            07/09/19
              Rev. Mark Miller             08/09/15                     07/09/19
              Mrs Laura Provett              08/08/15                             07/08/19
              Mr Phil Wood                 30/09/16                     29/09/18

              Associate Governor
              Mrs L Johnson                08/09/15                     07/09/19
              Mrs H Keating         08/09/15                     07/09/19

              Clerk to Governors           -      Mrs J. Ferreira

              The chair and clerk can be contacted through the school

              The full Governing Body meets half termly and committees meet as necessary throughout the year.
              Minutes of these meetings can be inspected, by arrangement, at the school. If you are interested in
              becoming a parent governor please contact the school for information about vacancies and what is

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              H:\Website and Extranet Stuff\Tilery\To Do\Full School Prospectus 2017-18.doc
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