) It your responsibility to ensure that your child comes to school. Expectation is that all pupils have 100% attendance. We closely check the attendance of all our pupils. If your child is not HERE they cannot LEARN.
If your child is going to be absent from school, please ensure you contact the school office on 01642 673761 or email parents@tileryprimary.org.uk by 9:15am on the first day of your child’s absence. Tilery operates a ‘first day response’ system, and will phone parents when their child is absent if school has not been informed of the reason why. If no valid explanation is given your child will receive an unauthorised absence mark.
These might be for:
- illness, medical, dental appointments (however please try to make such appointments outside of school hours);
- days of religious observance;
- other absences in term time can only be authorised in exceptional circumstances
These are some types of (but not limited to) absences without valid reasons
- Visits to hairdressers
- Shopping
- Birthday treats
- Trips to visit relatives
- Punctuality – Children who arrive after school starts are deemed late. Their education is affected. All late children must enter by the main entrance and report to the office to register their arrival. Children who arrivde onsite after 9:15am when registration closes will be marked as U.
Too many unauthorised absences can lead to the Local Authority Attendance Officer becoming involved and fines issued.
All family holidays will be unauthorised. If you have booked a holiday in school time, a holiday request form must be completed and handed into the school office. You can download the form using the link below or by contacting the school office. The Head Teacher is NOT permitted to authorise school holidays unless in extremely exceptional circumstances.
If your child’s absence falls below 96% you will be subject to attendance proceedings with the Local Authority. Tilery Primary School’s Attendance Champion is Mrs J Stanyard – Headteacher.
We work in line with Local Authority attendane policies. Please see link below for further guidance on Stockton Borough Council Attendance Policies and Code of Conduct procedures.